അമ്മയ് ക്കൊരുമ്മ (Special Delivery Package)
Call: 75920 88333

*Extra Charges applicable on
- Covid-19 Test for patients and by standers. Government rates applicable.
- Cost of PPE Kit if used.
- Medications, Medicines , Abdominal Binders , TED Stocking after delivery / surgery
- New born baby care charges in NICU if any
- High Risk Pregnancies (incl. twin pregnancies, Covid-19, IVF pregnancy, Morbid Obesity) & uncontrollable DM
- Painless Labour, Vacuum or Forceps assisted Deliveries.
- Speciality Doctor Consultation charges.
- Over & above the allowed days, charges are applicable for room rent plus nursing charges
- For Normal rooms – Rs: 1,500 per day
- For TS room Rs: 1,000 per day
- Lab Test / Scan after delivery /surgery if required
- Blood Transfusion
- Request for change to superior room-A/c or suite will not be entertained
- Any newborn consultation / services / procedure / NICU charges /vaccination / Investigations are not included in the above package.
- Patients should bring BPL card/ & counsellor recommendation letter for availing the benefit
- Remittance of package amount on admission.
- We promote only normal deliveries and if on any reasons, caesarean is considered; your package would be upgraded to Caesarean package & the difference amount has to be paid.
- You shall not be upgraded to A/c rooms / upper class room from any package.
- Antenatal care (Malhru: “ka) package rates are not included in this package.
- No further discounts for BPL patients in Antenatal care (Mathru: “ka) package. **
- This package is available only till July 31" 2021
Registration Fees: 500/- only (Non-refundable)Rates are applicable as follows
Single Rooms *
- Normal Delivery @ 25,000.00 only* (for 4 days )
- Caesarean Delivery @ 32,000.00 only* (for 5 days )
Twin Sharing Rooms *
- Normal Delivery @ 15,000.00 only* (for 4 days )
- Caesarean Delivery @ 22,000.00 only* (for 5 days )
For BPL Patients
Wards *
- Normal Delivery @ 12.000.00 only (for 4 days ) *
- Caesarean Delivery @ 19.000.00 only (for 5 days ) *
* Newborn care
Newborn baby care charges worth Rs.1750/- included in the package
- Newborn care - Rs. 500
- Paediatrician consultation - Rs. 1000
- Newborn registration - Rs.250
To know more about the details
Call:75920 88333
Call:75920 88333